  • eruditojones

    /t/asksnapzu looks to be getting busier /t/improv if you like to make stuff up and jokes (still trying to build that, though)

    In general we're in the very early days on Snapzu I reckon. If you're a lurker, I'd generally comment on as much stuff as you can and hope for the best. You generate XP to help you level up; it'll get you followers (maybe).

    Basically you're in early. Welcome on board! Chat with people more! This is kind of like Reddit plus Twitter hybrid (at least to me).

    Really good people have migrated to this site since 2012 (and that includes the recent redditors) and it's been fun to watch new things / people come on board.

    • leetmoaf

      /t/asksnapzu is at a nice capacity right now. I like how I can be a few hours late to a discussion, and still be seen. It's busy, but not too busy.

    • thelastCastoff

      Yeah, asksnapzu is definitely my go to at the moment. But i was just wondering what else was out there. Id love to discover a tribe or two that i wasn't aware of.