
I'm new! And.. I'm surprised there's no android app yet

I use(d) Relay for Reddit. I wonder if Snapzu or any third parties are planning one or have already developed one and I'm just overlooking it..

9 years ago by VisibleTouch with 15 comments

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Conversation 8 comments by 4 users
  • rothelys (edited 9 years ago)

    I think this was posted a few times already. As far as I know Snapzu will release the API soon, so there will be the chance to make one. For Android there is an App, but it's not official (and for me not really usable): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.xeeleestudios.snapzubrowser

    • VisibleTouch

      Yeah, probably has been posted a good bit.. Couldn't really find any info on it though. Do you have a link to something about the API release? I'm a developer and I'm thinking I might work on building one

      • rothelys

        Sadly I don't have a link, but you could ask /u/drunkenninja. I think he was the one who said that there is an API in work, but don't hurt me if I'm wrong :D

        • drunkenninja

          We expect for an initial API version to come out sometime in the next 2 months, and in the next couple of days I will be doing a session to ask the devs of Snapzu what they would like to see in the first more basic version of our API which we plan to expand over the coming months. Either way, this will be in the form of a post most likely located in our /t/blog tribe.

          • VisibleTouch

            Very cool, I'll be on the lookout

          • rothelys

            Ok, that was fast. Thanks for clearing it up again. Hope you didn't mind that I mentioned you on that.

          • folkrav

            Will keep updated on that! Definitely will work on an Android app.

  • ortsac

    With all the attention this site has been getting lately... I'd give it a month or less until we have a proper phone experience

  • Katherine

    There's no iOS app, either, as far as I know. Keep in mind, though, while there were a few hundred million people on Reddit, there are still only a few thousand on Snapzu.

    • VisibleTouch

      That's a good point, I imagine there's lots of growing pains now. I wouldn't mind so much if the site was optimized for mobile browser

  • Quietrabbit

    The reason there's no mobile app is because they haven't released the API yet, once it releases expect the mobile apps to come flowing in

  • Jaspreetzing

    The makers of the android app have promised improvements in a couple of days. I'll be sure to try it out. +1 on desperately waiting for an app.