Conversation 7 comments by 5 users
  • ortsac

    You will probably have to use photoshop or similar software to get something with those exact dimensions. Also, make sure whatever you create is jpg. Snapzu converts all other formats to jpg and it tends to look worse that if you had just made it jpg in the first place. Honestly I feel like the resolution is way too small, so I've just opted to use the banner generator for nice solid colors.

    • FivesandSevens

      Thanks. I agree that the resolution is tough to accomodate. I'm a little surprised that I couldn't find a how-to snap on the process. I'll look again and if I don't find one (and can figure out how to do it), maybe I'll make one. Too bad we can't upload and crop photos to fit in Snapzu, like we can with the cover images for snaps.

    • Holymanta

      Do the banner colors come in a color that not black white or gray?

      • ortsac

        Yeah you can input any hex color code for both the background and the patterns. You can also change their opacity.