Text Post: Hello from Oklahoma! posted by Rothulfossil
  • double2

    I agree! Don't know if I'm convinced by the banner system - seems a lot of wasted potentially useful space...but it's certainly distinct, which is nice in itself!

    What are some of your niche interests then?

    • Rothulfossil

      I agree that the banner could probably be tightened up a little bit, but it does look nice and clean!

      My interests aren't incredibly niche, but over on reddit I'd unsubscribe from pretty much all of the default subreddits in favor of smaller communities. /r/funny gets replaced by little subreddits like /r/CatSlaps or /r/me_irl, for example, which I subscribe to and unsubscribe from as their novelty wears off. Then there's stuff like /r/ImaginaryMonsters. Any recommendations on your favorite tribes here?

      I've been mostly involved in /r/SandersForPresident, though, which is what'll probably keep me on reddit for the time being. Quality political discussion is a huge draw for me here, though! Seems there's a much greater potential for rationality on Snapzu. :D

      (Now to figure out what I want to use as my profile picture...)

      • double2

        It feels to me a little like being on old forums and chatrooms in the 90s. I haven't been a part of a community whilst everyone's so polite and pleasantly-timid still, it's a nostalgic experience.

        I haven't actually been on here much more than 24 hours, but there is something keeping me here, not least a further growing disenfranchisement with "The Website That Shall Not Be Named" and its representatives. I have actually found discovering communities to not be that easy so far, instead relying on old tropes like TIL and gifs. It's quite fun though, it's like emigrating to a new country where everyone speaks the same language but everything's kind of weird...like visiting Canada I suppose. Haha.

        • Rothulfossil

          Yeah, something about reddit did make it super easy to find new subreddits, mostly due to users constantly linking across the website. I'm sure that'll catch on at some point here, though. People have to know about tribes in order to promote them!

          • double2

            Maybe something like the reddit switcheroo tunnel would work as a cool tour? Still, I'm not sure at how well that kind of stuff would go down here yet, I haven't quite gauged the general tone.

            • Rothulfossil

              I'm certainly not a fan of memes and in-jokes like that, but you make a good point about it helping discover subreddits! I never thought of it like that, but yeah, when you click through the link tunnel, it takes you through all sorts of places.