  • thedon

    As of now I think the best thing about Snapzu is certainly the community's self-control and maturity, in all the discussions I've seen here there might people who have a different point of view than me, but I'll still upvote them for having strong arguments (and I think a lot of people do this because if it's two people discussing both people will usually have the same amount of upvotes in each of their comments), and this is because the community values smart discussion more than reassurement, unlike reddit, where you will be downvoted straight to hell (and sometimes will even be harrassed) just because they don't agree with you. In general the subject matter of most snaps and the overall mood of the community encourages maturity over childishness, which is great.

    Of course this could change if a massive influx of reddit users came and took over the etiquette we have now, which is more or less what happened with Voat. Thankfully the invite system keeps us safe from mayhem.