  • junioreconomist

    From what I've seen, the community tends to regulate itself. People may come and change the feel for awhile, but they'll quickly learn this isn't the place for them. I'm not sure that micromanaging posts will lead to the best outcomes, although you may have the support of the community on this. I think that either way, this community will continue down the same path it's on now. As far as how I would pitch this site, it's full of nice, healthy discussion. I've disagreed with several people, especially those damn commies over in /t/economics, but I've enjoyed every bit of it. No one looks for the easy way out, and I haven't seen any personal attacks. I like it here..

    • picklefingers

      I agree. I have yet to see a truly vitriolic argument like you see all of the time over on reddit. And I think that is in part due to the fact that almost every active member on here really actually cares about the site. Nobody wants to spoil the great atmosphere. Everybody knows that reddit is already past the point of no returns when it comes to vitriolic and hateful content, so nobody really cares to try to stop it. And I'm not talking about people turning them into spectacles (e.g. /r/subredditdrama, /r/shitredditsays) but the community making any attempt to regulate themselves.