  • canuck

    I actually made /t/ideasforsnapzu a few days ago but haven't had much time to get it going. I can make you mod if you want.

    • Eldan

      I'm still new to Snapzu, but I was a mod on a few Archeage related subs on Reddit, so if you guys need help with anything just ask and I'll see if I can help!

      • kigurame

        Is it playable now ? I'm one of the i want my money back crowd and i dropped the game pretty early.

        • Eldan

          Is it playable? Sure.

          Is it something I'd go back to? No.

          Trion has done a bit to try and make things better, but they're still digging themselves a grave. They're still huge on paid RNG, Pay2Win, and gear dependency. When people try to argue the P2W I like to show them this.

          That man has spent thousands of monies on the game, and as the video shows, he is pretty much untouchable.

          A lot of the current issues revolve around Trion not caring to fix broken shit. Bots and hackers still rule the school yard. Its to a point where hackers can literally just ask to be unbanned, and they will be. Its astounding.

          That being said, the game does have a lot going for it, and still sings me an alluring song every now and then. It is something I keep my eyes on just in case.. but not something I hold my breath for.

          In case you haven't heard of it, look into Black Desert Online. It's the current game that people are hyped about. Hopefully much better than Archeage.

          • kigurame

            Yegods Black Desert online looks snazzy. Sad to hear Trion never learned from that whole mess

          • ObiWanShinobi (edited 8 years ago)

            Yeah, I'm very excited about Black Desert. Hope it gets released in North America soon!

    • ObiWanShinobi

      Sure! Thank you.