
Dreams are great!

Hello! I'm Nanotwerp, and you can probably tell by my profile that I'm pretty new here. As a bit of background detail, I came here from reddit. Most Snapzites seem to have came from reddit, apparently! I like that this website is still in its youth and developing; enough for me to claim a tribe all about dreams.

Aren't dreams some of the most interesting phenomena in the world? I could just imagine the confusion of the first person to ever sleep; some type of simulation of the person's known reality that they believe to be normal until they wake up. Dreams are amazing, and it surprises me by just how complex they can be. After I had a pretty disturbing dream yesterday, I started piecing things together about dreams. They take things from different areas of our surroundings and give their own spice to it. I just find it really interesting to discuss dreams and the discovery of the circumstances that caused the dream in our immediate environment. That's why I created this tribe. You could describe it as a community dream journal. If you're interested, join my new tribe /t/dreams !

8 years ago by Nanotwerp with 8 comments

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  • drunkenninja

    Oh man I love dreams, I consider myself lucky because I tend to be able to dream almost every night and for reasons out of my control usually retain some decent memory of them. I will be sure to drop by your tribe and subscribe. Thanks for jumping on and making such an awesome introduction! BTW, if no one has said it yet... Welcome to snapzu!

    • Nanotwerp

      Whoah. I get a subscribe and welcome by one of the gods of Snapzu himself? Seriously, you're like the Unidan of Snapzu; y'know...without the jackdaw shadowbanning situation...

      Also, would you be up to being a leader of my tribe? I think the concept of dreams would attract less trolls and spam than something else, so it probably wont be too time-consuming.

      • drunkenninja

        I would be more than happy to be one of your mods! :D thank you.

  • jcscher

    Welcome! You do not to be asleep to have dreams. Looking forward to your tribe!

    • Nanotwerp

      Thank you! Would you like to be the (probably) final leader of /t/dreams ?

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  • ttubravesrock

    Dreams are an interesting topic. I don't have a mind's eye when I read OR when I dream. I do dream, but just like when I read, my dreams don't have any visualization. I was trying to describe what a dream for me is like the other day, but it is really hard to describe. The parts of my dreams that I do remember involve no images/details. I just remember what happened. I don't know if that makes sense to someone who has always had a mind's eye.