  • namo

    Yeah, comment section changed a lot. People didn't downvote (as much) differing opinions, that was the big thing. Now it was just links approved by the hive-mind with comments approved by the hive-mind, and puns... so much puns. But I do have a soft spot for related gifs.

    • massani

      Oh man, the puns. The puns were so bad. Partly the reason why I only looked at the [Serious]AskReddit threads. At least there I could get some quality stuff.

    • cmagnificent

      Well, there's a very different culture surrounding the down vote here as well. Unless the content explicitly violates the sites or tribe's rules, even if you don't personally like the content, you don't down vote it. The button should be used extremely sparingly and only in cases of spamming/trolling/harassment etc.

    • neg8ivezero

      I too am a Reddit-refugee. This is exactly what started turning me off to Reddit. The comment section was no longer a place for discussion but rather an echo-chamber for the hate and toxicity that seems to have completely infiltrated that community. I opened an account here when it was still in early beta and mostly forgot about it while I tried to cope with the ever increasing amount of BS on Reddit. I ran here during the most recent debacle and also created an account over at voat. I am worried that the mass exodus will ruin the community at Voat so I have an account on both sites to see which one remains the least toxic through the influx of new users.