Text Post: New to Snapzu posted by grimesc12
  • Odd

    Hey and welcome. I've also recently joined Snapzu after similarly lurking on Reddit for a few years. What I've found different so far is how this community is free from a lot of the Reddit drama/hive mind. Downvotes seem to be used sparingly and only really seem to be for trolling/spam/abuse rather than just posting a comment that is not popular or the current trend of thinking. Each tribe I've read through/joined seems to be a tight nit community of people, it seems like it'll be easy to get to know people here if you end up sticking around.

    Here are some tribes you may want to check out /t/gaming, /t/harrypotter, /t/atheism, /t/philosophy, /t/gameofthrones for everything show related & /t/asoiaf for all your book related needs. I would definitely also look around and get involved, maybe browse the all section by new, there are lots of cool tribes being started and already established but you could check out /t/newtribes to see if anything you're interested in has been set up recently. Everyone seems really friendly and genuine so far with a lot of good discussion going around.

    • grimesc12

      Thanks for the words of welcome! Thank you also for these great recommendations!

      • Odd

        No worries mate. I hope you find what you're looking for and enjoy the stay.