  • Moderator (edited 8 years ago)

    The thing is, we don't actually want to grow that large that quickly. Snapzu is about good people sharing good content, not sheer numbers.

    I don't know the exact figures, but we've seen nearly several thousand new members since yesterday, and there are possibly 10,000 more pending incomers — that actually would be a near tripling of the user base. The invites have limited growth enough to prevent us from being completely overrun, and thus we can help the new users acclimate to this community.

    The invite system also acts as a basic filter to weed out some spammers, trolls, and otherwise undesirable people. Those willing to go through the invite process do so because they want to be here, and that is at least a minimal guarantee of their positive potential.

    • Captainmarvel

      Thank you for such a well thought out and timely response.

    • RyanGooseling

      Absolutely. I think there is a fine line between a large community and a completely broken one. This is not to say that I don't want Snapzu to grow, I do, but I would much rather this continue to be its own place than become Reddit 2.0®.