
Greetings and salutations!

I'm SpaceGhoti and like so many other newcomers I joined on recommendations from reddit. To borrow from my Twitter profile, I'm a hedonist, liberal, feminist, skeptic, atheist, polyamorous middle-aged man dreaming of one day writing for a living instead of begging for scraps. I'm extremely opinionated and often passionate in my arguments but I honestly have no problem with people disagreeing with me. If I simply disagree with you I'll explain why, and if we end up not being able to agree I can live with that. I try to reserve my snark for those who seem to be dishonest in their arguments. My judgment isn't always accurate but I'm only human.

I hope this grows into a dynamic community filled with commentary and discussion. I will do my best to contribute to it.

8 years ago by spaceghoti with 14 comments

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Conversation 10 comments by 5 users
  • wwarped

    Welcome, and are you me? I am new as well and finding my way around. Its a great community here, hope to see you about.

    • spaceghoti

      Welcome, and are you me?

      I'm pretty sure I'm me, but just in case there's any doubt you can always try to answer this question: what did the door say?

      I am new as well and finding my way around.

      The interface isn't too bad, and I'm not afraid of making mistakes with comments and posts while I get used to it. I think one possible improvement in upcoming releases would be to include a notification on post comments and replies, but I'm not programming this thing so I can hardly make demands.

      Its a great community here, hope to see you about.

      It's kind of a quiet community, which can be good or bad. I confess I'm rather addicted to the fast-paced instant gratification of reddit. But if we can get some good dialogue going I think this could be a worthy successor.

      • baron778

        It's a lot louder here than it was a year or so ago... trust me.

        It takes a lot of time and effort to grow a community.

        • AdelleChattre

          I've known /u/SpaceGhoti for ages. Take my word for it, if he's here, it's a good sign for how the community's grown just lately. Hail and well met, SpaceGhoti. BCNU.

          • spaceghoti

            It's true, I'm infamous in certain circles. I know there are downvote brigades watching me in certain subreddits. ;)

            Glad to be here!

      • [Deleted Profile]

        [This comment was removed]

      • wwarped

        You have speaking doors? Forget that, you have doors? We don't have such luxuries here.

  • dynamite

    Ur a writer? You should write about snapzu and im sure people here will share it around to help spread the word

    • spaceghoti

      First I want to get a good feel for the site and its community. I wouldn't want to offer false advertising.