Conversation 9 comments by 8 users
  • Kayzaks

    This made me wonder, how does SnapZu actually make money? I don't see any ads anywhere?

    • Niqulaz

      Don't say the m-word, it will probably make the admins cry ;-)

    • PrismDragon

      Yeah. Do they have a donations page up?

    • xezebien

      Yeah I'm wondering about that as well, they appear to have a system in place for you to monetize your tribe through referrals but I haven't really looked in to it, so I don't understand quite how it works.

    • kvothe7

      If you figure it out , I would love to hear from you

      • Nerdeiro

        I created a tribe today, immediately I got a message which mentions, among other things, a a revenue sharing system. The details are here:

        The important part is:

        When your referrals purchase power-up credits (our version of a premium membership), you get half.

        So, it's Snapzu's version of Reddit Gold or TotalFark.

        • FRIK

          I figured the same. I hope however those are the only perks, and not an overhyped "exclusive" lounge.

      • Keeb

        As they say, nothing in life is free...