Text Post: I'm new to this. posted by Whoisit1999
  • Whoisit1999

    I Just started like a few minutes ago.... >_>

    • double2

      Pull up a cushion, sit down, make it your own, take one of these pills, all the cool snappers are doing it.

      • Whoisit1999

        Why I got a feeling, I'm not gonna make it here....

        • double2

          Sorry, I think I've drunk too much tea. Most of the community are far more placid that I may be giving the impression of, I apologise. You're fine, awesome to have you in the community :)

        • imnotgoats

          Just breathe, drink lots of water and find some cool snaps. You'll be fine!

      • imnotgoats

        Not only pushing drugs, but also the term 'snapper'. I know your agenda Mr. 2. ;)

        • double2

          The pills only have the effect of giving nausea upon reading the word "snapzite"