Text Post: Hello Snapzu posted by factoverfallacy
  • factoverfallacy (edited 8 years ago)

    The above was my attempt at a compliment.

    He stated:

    People will comment on how smart or informed I am. I tell them it has nothing to do with me being smart and everything to do with the fact that I can pretty much find any information I need as long as I have my smart phone and a data connection.

    Yes, doing something as simple as looking something up before spewing nonsense is being smart. Looking something up to ensure accuracy means you are thorough, thirsty and will retain at lease some of the knowledge. So he should stop selling himself short to those people =)

    However, researching (like I do) is not innovative. So he is smart by definition. Innovative? Maybe I don't know him.

    @RoamingGnome When I start posting please participate either for or against my argument IDC. Just bring those sources with you!!!!!

  • Appaloosa (edited 8 years ago)
    @factoverfallacy -

    Lol...I'm a non-innovative smart ass!!!....and did you check the notification history for the response alert? It's not like the Reddit system with the little letter prompt.

    • factoverfallacy (edited 8 years ago)
      @Appaloosa -

      Yes, thank you. You reply fast. I have a tendency of hitting the edit button like 10 times after posting.

      I wish I could be innovative =( I can use a non-innovative smart ass only if you are on my side!!

      I got too much of that against me. One more and I might pop.