  • joethebob (edited 8 years ago)

    it is okay to down vote something because of disagreement, that is actually explicitly against the rules.

    Which in itself is pointless because you can never enforce it. A rule without enforcement is at best a voluntary social custom. It only functions as long as you have effectively created a hivemind of sorts in which all agree on the concept. Reddiquette was a fairly pervasive thing for years, but as population grows the commonality of shared behavior shrinks as well as adherence to voluntary social custom.

    • RedditExodus

      You have included a space between your closing bracket and your opening bracket that has broken how you wanted to display your link.

      Just thought you might want to know, good night.

    • Boop

      I completely agree with you. As Snapzu grows, users will inevitably treat the voting system the way it feels natural to them. Enforcement will never change human behavior. The only way we can curb this behavior is if we change the voting UI. I know they have mentioned there will be improvements to the voting system sometime in the future.

      • Aaron215

        The good news is that users get a limited number of downvotes a day. I would think that would help.