  • cailihphiliac

    The content is sorted by the hive-mind!

    That's a bad thing! Instead of finding out about different opinions, you find out about one opinion.

    if they see something interesting or something they like, they upvote. If they see something that doesn't tickle their pickle, they downvote.

    This is why reddit was full of reposts and people driving memes into the ground. You couldn't just post something kinda good to a default subreddit, it had to be amazing, or it would be downvoted by people like you.

    the first things you see will be the things that the largest number of people upvoted/didn't downvote. It's all about sorting.

    I'm not sure if you're for or against this, but it almost doesn't matter because this is the first thing you see on any website with any form of voting. Reddit, Snapzu, Facebook, you always start out seeing the stuff that people approved of / didn't express disapproval of.

    you can upvote things that you agree with, and downvote things you disagree with. The end result? Again, the opinions that the majority deemed to be correct appear at the top, and the ones that the majority deemed to be incorrect appear at the bottom.

    That's what went wrong with Unidan. He used his alt-accounts to upvote himself and downvote not just the people with opposing views, but everyone around him, so that his would be the top comment and everyone would think he was great.

    Downvotes aren't an indication of some sort of decay or degradation of the community

    No, they're an indication that something is wrong with the post. Porn not labelled NSFW, broken link, nonsensical title, etc.