  • racerxonclar

    I think both sides have a valid point. It's good to avoid the pitfalls of Reddit...but there will be growing pains as well. I think a good change would be to require people to give a reason on the downvote. If you click on the little box of upvotes and downvotes, as the submitter, it brings up a box that is supposed to say why the downvotes happened, but there never seems to be a reason specified.

    Addressing there has to be something picked (avoiding having an "other" option if possible) would be a nice way to push the button away from the "I disagree" issue. It shows the purpose of the button right off the bat. And it's something I'd appreciate. If people think my post was formatted badly, or there's a broken link, or it's even a repost... it'd be very simple to see that from that section rather than people having to comment.