  • Arbituz

    To see your comments click on the home button on the top right. On the right side of your feed, make sure "Following Feed" filter is selected. Beneath that click "Show Filters" Scroll down a little and change "All" to "Me". Below that, click comments. There are all of your comments.

    If you expand your notifications you can see where people have replied to your comments.

    Hope this helps!

    • Calhob

      It helped! Thank you :)

      • Arbituz

        Not a problem! Hopefully it's streamlined in the future. I've noticed the admins are pretty active in the community and have said they are working on a lot of new features!

        • Calhob

          The comment that I lost track was a question to an admin and I just found that he had replied just after I commented, so they definitely are active!

    • Williamap7

      I have been wondering this two thank you for the answer