
Hello! Where do you hail from?

I know quite a few of the new members the last couple of days come from a Norwegian site, most of which live in Norway, but I'm wondering: Where is everyone else based?

9 years ago by 0r4n9e with 51 comments

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  • joker

    I'm from Arkansas.

    I know you've heard that joke about Arkansas. No, not that one. Not that one either. Not that one either, or the other 500000 jokes. Yes. THAT one. It's true, and that's why it's so funny.

    My neighbor has an old ambulance buried in his yard that he uses as a storm shelter. I'll pic later.

    • Pockets69

      What? he buried an ambulance to make it a shelter?

      • joker

        Yes. Yes he did. Want pics?

        • Odin

          I'd love to see what that looks like haha.

        • Pockets69

          nahhh that's fine, i believe you, i just don't know why would anybody bury an ambulance.

    • ColonBowel

      I like to pronounce Arkansas as "Are-ken-sauce" or "Are-Kansas".

      • joker

        You're breaking the law if you are in the state. It is pronounced as "are-can-saw"

        • Pockets69

          not being a native speaker i always pronounced "are-can-saw" maybe because i heard it somewhere or something.

  • WileyJohnson

    Well I found Snapzu from a post on reddit. I've been here about 2 days. I'm in Portland, Oregon, USA. Which Norwegian site did you come here from?

  • [Deleted Profile]

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  • trevortx (edited 9 years ago)

    I came over from Reddit and I'm from Fort Worth, Texas, but I currently live in San Francisco, California! If I had my way, I'd still be living in Melbourne, Australia. That's my favorite city in the world (that I've been to so far, anyway).

  • manmachine

    Moscow, Russia. Or a post from reddit, take your pick.

    • ColonBowel

      Nice. My mom was from Dubna. I live in Orlando, FL though.

  • Slyver08

    Montreal, Québec.

    How is it in Norway? Always wanted, and still want to, travel there when I'll have the money to do so!

    • redalastor

      Longueuil, Québec. I work in Montreal.

      • Slyver08 (edited 9 years ago)

        Trafic must be real fun! :p

        • redalastor

          Public transportation.

          In fact, I don't work in Montreal yet. And the office I'll be moving to is moving next to the Bonaventure metro station (which is just a train station from me).

          • Slyver08

            Good! Because for the years to come, trafic around Montreal is going to be a lot messier, especially when they start building the new bridge and the new interchange. I understand you're new in the region then?

            • redalastor

              Is 2006 recent? :-P

            • Slyver08 (edited 9 years ago)
              @redalastor -

              I had seen somewhere on Reddit you'd moved to Longueuil not too long ago...maybe I misread that :P

            • redalastor
              @Slyver08 -

              When I said I couldn't vote for the current mayor of Longueuil because I was busy voting against Denis Coderre in Montreal? :-P

              Still the same area.

    • zyrthofar

      Québec, Québec :).

  • whyruslacking

    I'm from the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota!

  • Csellite

    New York, USA :D Good times!

    • 0r4n9e

      Good times, indeed! Another place I will have to return to at some point.

  • ClarkKent

    I am from the DFW area. Or am I? No I am. Maybe.

    • trevortx

      Oh hey, nice to see you on here again haha. Me too! Probably why we're both Cowboys fans.

  • Burt

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  • Pockets69

    as i said in a previous thread, Portugal :)

    We lack a lot of stuff, but we have a lot of sun, come visit us, we need your money :D

    • 0r4n9e

      I just returned from Lisbon! You have a beautiful capital, my friend. And even more beautiful pastries, I had to leave before getting fat, haha! Will be back for Porto one day. And everything else I didn't have time for on this trip.

      • Pockets69

        Porto is just beautiful as well, the pastries, well nothing beats a good ol' pastel de belem :)

        Glad you enjoyed your stay :)

  • Bastou (edited 9 years ago)

    Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

    I've been invited by a fellow redditor who believed in the potential of Snapzu, about a week ago. I never heard about it before then.

  • Jupiter7

    Grew up in a small town called Bishop, CA. Moved to Reno NV for school and stayed here.

  • schrodingersman

    Just wanted to say to all of my Texas brothers and sisters. I'm currently in Houston the great industrial city. Not the greatest place in the world, but hey at least we aren't Dallas. Originally from up North. When I first moved to Texas I was very disappointed that everything here wasn't as big as I had always been lead to believe. The BBQ will keep me here as well as putting me into an early grave from a brisket fueled heart attack.

  • Coffeenut

    I'm from Florida the sunshine state but if I could I'd probably move to Tennessee cause i like the mountain's and stuff ..i still remember my first time over there / way before 2001 somewhere probably in the 99's

  • ttubravesrock

    I'm from Alaska. As far as I can tell, I'm still the only Alaskan on snapzu.

  • Odin

    The Netherlands, all the way over in europe. What's it like in Norway? I'm currently learning Norwegian bokmål using Duolingo!

  • 0r4n9e

    @WileyJohnson It's a invite-only site called Underskog, translated as undergrowth or undercurrent - or Underwood, if you're Carrie - that's been around for about 10 years. It provides a great overview of concerts, art exhibitions, and other events in main cities in Norway if you're not a member, and as a member you can also use it as a way to buy/sell/give away stuff, ask questions about your computer problems, tax returns, your camera, your cat/dog, where to buy a particular chili sauce, which new hair style to get, - in short anything, tho the answers may come in various forms - as well as post interesting/current/funny stuff in threads, much like here. For many, it's also an important social platform. I've used it while travelling and moving to a new city, and find that most of the people I meet are like-minded and interesting people. In a few of the cities, those with enough members, we also organise social events that usually involve alcohol and/or food and getting to know people.

    So, just so there's no misunderstanding: We did not flee from this site, like I know a lot of you did from Reddit, rather I think most of us are just exploring new global sites. A while back we tried Ello and were hugely disappointed. This site, however, looks great and has a lot of potential.

    @Slyver08 How is it in Norway... I guess the question is better answered by someone visiting, so start saving and you'll be able to answer your own question! But save a lot. Seriously. Example: 1 pint of beer in Canadian money? = $13. Just sayin'.

    • Slyver08 (edited 9 years ago)

      Yeah I know it's pricey to go there, my brother already had 2 travels there paid for by his job for work contracts and he is having a third this year. I'm so jelly...

      • 0r4n9e

        Maybe you should invite yourself along as a consultant!

        • Slyver08

          As a student, that kind of trip isn't within my budget and won't be for some time :p

    • Bastou

      I hear Norwegian Air is really cheap though.