
Hi Snapzites! New guy here, here's a little about me

Hi I'm Josh and I'm 16 and come from Sydney, Australia. I am in year 11 and am interested in software and game design. Recently I have had a lot of things going on with friends and school and have been suffering from depression. This has heavily impacted my whole current life as I haven't been able to concentrate on school work and look to binge-procrastinating to get my mind out of the real world. I have a black cat named Baby (trust me I wish I had named her). My twin sister passed away when we were 6 due to leukaemia. I have 2 heavily religious parents (catholic) and I am agnostic. I hope somebody has taken the time to read this and feel free to comment on anything and I will reply if I can.

8 years ago by Auz with 6 comments

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  • Tawsix

    Welcome to Snapzu! We're pretty good folks here ;)

    I would check out /t/atheism and /t/secular if there is stuff you want to talk about or need help dealing with your religious situation at home.

    • Auz

      Will do, hopefully I can finally fix some home stuff.

  • Moderator

    Hey, Josh. Glad to have you with us. The community here is very friendly and willing to help, so I hope you feel comfortable.

    Depression is something many of us have experience with, so I'm aiming to start a support group soon. I'll keep you updated.

    • Auz

      Well I will keep an eye out, thanks!