
New gal from Boston

Hi all! Found you via reddit. I'm a 23 year old professional writer who loves sci-fi, TV, boating, travel, etymology, and revolutionary-war era history. Some of my all time favorite shows are The X-Files, Breaking Bad, Farscape, Sherlock, 30 Rock, Always Sunny, QI, and BSG. I like indie-pop bands like Grouplove, Steel Train, and (more recently) Borns.

I am interested in permaculture and have begun gardening (I had a pretty successful beginners garden last year). I am desperately waiting for the snow to melt at my house so I can start tilling for this season's crops!

Some of the items on my bucket list include having a book published, learning latin, growing an apple tree, and owning my own boat.

Any suggestions for "tribes" to join? Still learning how things work around here.

10 years ago by BangBang with 5 comments

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  • drunkenninja

    Welcome /u/BangBang! I would personally check out the tribe index for an overview of some of the more popular tribes, there is a lot of great ones to choose from!

  • Chubros

    Who doesn't love sci-fi and travel!?

  • ttubravesrock

    I don't know if you are still actively browsing or not, but I'm also quite interested in permaculture. I live in a different climate than you by a longshot, but a lot of the concepts are the same. I'd love to have discussions with other interested folks.

  • aj0690

    Lot's of people coming over from reddit lately.