Text Post: Snapzu Barrier to Adoption posted by sick
Conversation 10 comments by 7 users
  • picklefingers

    The leveling system has really been a massive success with users here. It prevents new members from spamming the site while not restricting you to the level that Voat does with their no downvotes until 100 upvotes policy (or something like that, I don't use voat). What improvements could you see for the system? Or do you just want it repealed?

    • Cheesemangeur

      It's also really fun and exciting!

      Do you think they will look into "adding levels"? We're maxed out at level 50 at the moment right? It would be nice to add a couple of levels :) (although I am far from there, I think it must be a bit boring being level 50 and not getting those level ups anymore). Having a few more achievements would be cool too.

      • [Deleted Profile]

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      • picklefingers

        I think you are underestimating the amount of activity required for level 50 haha. But still, I'm sure that they will tack on a couple of levels as more and more people reach it.

    • QuietKerfuffle

      Not OP, but as a lowly user I definitely don't want to see it repealed. Does a community really need the bells and whistles of higher levels to be effective? I don't think so. Just bring the content and discussions.

      • sick

        It may be hard for folks who aren't already indoctrinated in the ways of Snapzu to understand my point. I'm simply trying to highlight what I see is a potential barrier to adoption for some folks. I know it was for me when I signed up on Snapzu however long ago. Our community probably would be 100% here now had I not felt like I needed to go crazy trying to "XP" whore myself to get to be able to use some of the very basic tools such as "Tribe Branding" for my community.

    • sick

      Well, I get that. I get that you only let people who are dedicated to your thing to make changes and do stuff, but on the other side of that coin, people are less likely to adopt something they can't make their own.

      Imagine you've just bought a house (yes yes, I know I didn't purchase anything), but I wasn't able to paint my house or do anything until I had greased the local politicians and went down and picked up trash in the park for a few weeks, or whatever. It's going to be a lot less sexy for me to want to move to a place where I can't immediately start doing things to my plot of land without having to jump through hoops.

      I don't know, perhaps that's the price you pay for a better system. I'm just saying what I've felt in the past, and still do at this point. (And hoping I can get some damned points so I can level up or something LOL -- so I CAN adopt Snapzu.)

      • [Deleted Profile] (edited 8 years ago)

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