
Who is protesting today?

I am revolting!! Wait, that doesn't sound right! But I am out protesting in the Womens march with my family and friends! Anyone else oit there?

8 years ago by CrookedTale with 9 comments

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  • CrookedTale (edited 8 years ago)

    I was hoping for a chance to punch a Nazi but the crowd was great and there was no interference.

    • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)

      You may have missed many opportunities, lots of intolerant pro-socialists in attendance.

      Of course I can't speak to your particular site, just those that garnered any national media coverage.


  • doodlegirl

    I'm seriously considering it. Never protested before so I'm not really sure what to expect.

    • CrookedTale

      Expect lots of people, different races, different ages, different genders, different views, all rolled into one voice! As I take part on the Womens march today I can see that there are many people bonding together to fight for thier rights and the rights of others.

    • Gozzin (edited 8 years ago)

      As I take part on the Womens march today I can see that there are many people bonding together to fight for thier rights and the rights of others.

      I protested and two friends did as well. As the black speaker said ,during her talk at our march's ending,:"We are NOT going back!"

  • AdelleChattre

    Realpolitik sign of the day: "I'm so angry I made a sign."

  • galacticunion

    Be very careful protesting, Trump is charging people with rioting and that carries long term prison sentences. Lots of people getting hurt with his work so far, He's a blind bull in a china shop.