  • NinjaKlaus

    A lot of people don't think about this, but most websites are hosted on servers that have a Terms of Service that bans things like hate and illegal content as well. Not every website follows this, but as I believe Voat found out recently, if a complaint is made to your hosting provider that you have that content, they will yank your servers. That's a big reason to understand why sites have censorship rules, sometimes it's the necessary evil of doing business in a first world country, even those that talk about their freedoms...because that's not ironic at all. Most websites also must not only follow the ToS of their provider but also in most cases a moral conscience against some content, the laws of the hosting providers country and the laws of their own country... on top of that now, ICANN pretty much also says they have to enforce the laws of the domain name's country as well. The reasons for so called censorship are many that people don't know or don't think about.