  • cmagnificent

    1) The invite system will artificially slow the rate of growth, allowing new members to acclimate to the cultural climate here without drastically changing it. Since reddit-digg comparisons are so popular, I would not be surprised if reddit's open door policy let a lot of the toxic elements of the old digg community through far too rapidly etc etc.

    It seems like such a minor detail, but it might be the most telling factor in preventing the bloat described by BlankWIndow

    2) One would hope that since so much of this recent drama is from a perceived lack of communication between the reddit admins and moderators (I was never a mod over at reddit so I can't say one way or the other what the actual situation was) that the snapzu team would take extra care to keep the lines of communication as open as possible.

    3) At least for right now, there is a great reluctance from many of the migrants to radically change the inherent culture here. I think this is also at least partially owing to part one, but as long as the mentality can be maintained that redditors are welcome here, but this is not reddit and the toxicity that came to define reddit will be discouraged here, things won't go too far south.