Text Post: Have a Seat at the Lounge posted by Moderator
Conversation 17 comments by 6 users
  • alapseofsanity (edited 8 years ago)

    location: Los Angeles

    interests/hobbies: music/guitar, gaming, books/comic, film,

    5 music artists: Opeth, Cynic, Slayer, Rachmaninoff, Stravinsky

    5 films: Pulp FIction, Evil Dead, The Shining, A Clockwork Orange, The Dark Knight

    5 shows: Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul (I'll lump these two together), The Flash, South Park, Metalocalypse

    5 games: Bioshock (all), Fallout 3/New Vegas, Portal 1&2, Borderlands (all), GTA

    a dream/goal of mine: Actually become a professional, working, touring musician

    two truths and a lie:

    (1) I can play the theremin

    (2) I have a Batman tattoo

    (3) I snuck a flask full of rum into a showing of Mad Max

    EDIT: formatting

    • Moderator

      Hey, we have the same dream! (Though, I listed a different one.) Electric guitar?

      If we cross paths let's jam out to some metal :)

      • alapseofsanity

        Hell yeah! Yes I play electric and classical guitar :)

    • picklefingers

      Number 2. You would't have a batman tattoo then list the dark knight last.

      • alapseofsanity

        Nope, I have a Batman tattoo :)

        • picklefingers

          Then number 1

          • alapseofsanity

            Okay you got it. I wish I could though.

            • KingAztek

              wait so that means you actually did sneak a flask of rum into a Mad Max showing....how was it?

            • alapseofsanity
              @KingAztek -

              Oh it was awesome. I was taking my buddy, it was my second time seeing it. We were already pretty drunk beforehand so we basically poured the flask into a giant coke and sucked it down. That movie is basically a roller coaster ride as it is so being drunk only enhanced the excitement of it.

        • Kysol

          Please tell me that it's a sleeve of the scene where Joker comes back to the GCPD to retrieve an item of his.

          So much ink... so much :D

          • alapseofsanity

            Are we talking about the same incarnation of the joker in my user pic? Because New 52 joker would definitely make for a great tattoo.

            It's actually pretty small though. I do plan on expanding the tattoo one day but I can't afford what it would cost. Currently it's just a small bat-emblem on my wrist.

            • Kysol

              I was trying to not give away the scene, but yeah it would be a rather black tattoo with lots of "sounds". Seriously the creepiest scene I've read in that storyline. I've just finished the Death of the Family story arc. Need to get back into reading them.. got a year or so back log I think.

            • picklefingers

              You know we expect a picture now, right :P

            • alapseofsanity
              @picklefingers -


              There you go. Sorry if it's not as exciting as you hoped.

            • picklefingers
              @alapseofsanity -

              Thats pretty cool. Ya, not very exciting, but its a good place to start.

      • Kysol

        Awesome catch

    • bkool

      (2) is the lie.