  • system16

    I'm usually pretty frugal, but some exceptions I make:

    Shoes - I'd rather pay $200+ for shoes that will last me 5 years than $50-80 for shoes that will fall apart after a year.

    Scotch - I don't drink often, but I enjoy a nice single malt.

    Coffee - I love a nice strong espresso.

    Mac - Not trying to stir up a Mac/PC debate, but having been in IT for years and used Windows/OS X/Linux extensively, I love Apple's laptops and don't mind paying a premium for them.

    Apps - I'm happy to pay for a good app/game experience not riddled with ads and in-app purchases.

    • djsparky

      Shoes are so important. I found a style I came ear for my 10-18 hour days but I need to replace them about every 2-3 months. I don't care because happy,dry feet is so important.

    • RADAC10US

      raging mac versus pc debate intesifies