  • trails (edited 8 years ago)

    Sometimes a brief reaction to something is more of a community-building device than an upvote which can secretly signal so many different things. Whether it's in reaction to something I snapped or a tiny response in a conversation, I try to keep an open mind about the intent of short responses rather than wondering why they're not performing a writing marathon (XP farming is pretty easy to spot).

    Upvotes can signal so many different things, from someone's agreement with the content, a stamp of approval for something that is well-written, recognition of a well-crafted angle, making one laugh, etc. A short commentary, even if it's not really contributing a lot, is sometimes just be a really nice and direct way to express thanks and one's feeling toward the content. Sometimes "This blew my mind," "You're not alone," "I cried for hours" or "This made my day" can be perfectly succinct and appropriate. Granted, a thread with 100 of these responses in succession would be annoying...