  • ressmox

    I'm alright with one-liners if they are used in the right places. What I dislike is when a snap that has solid potential for discussion is overridden by quips and pointless comments. A lot of threads on other sites get populated mostly with pedantry, repetition of jokes/opinions that are only marginally relevant, or useless stuff like linking to a specific subreddit/tribe as a 'joke'.

    If it's a thread on /t/funny or something I'm ok with there being jokes or quips or comments that are just gifs. But if someone posts an article that warrants discussion and all the comments are 'MRW' or pedantry, I get pretty annoyed. I guess it's more about users understanding context and commenting accordingly, which I think makes for a better community.

    • Lawdog

      Yeah, context is everything. I might post a quip on a sports highlight, but I probably wouldn't post anything on a physics article. I like physics; I like reading about breakthroughs in physics, but I would have nothing of value to add beyond, "Yea Quarks!"

      • blue2501

        And yet people bitch about downvoting here. Downvoting because you don't agree with the opinion is bad. Downvoting because it's shitty content is good.