  • picklefingers

    Well, in the case of "this", nothing is said with your comment that isn't said with your upvote.

    • GreatMightyPoo

      Exactly. If you want to comment in full agreement like a "this" comment why not think of another point that adds to the point you agree? Maybe state why you personally agree; or even restate the point from a different view point. There are tons of way to make a decent meaningful comment.

    • shadow1515 (edited 8 years ago)

      Well, this, but also a little but of that.

      • Nate

        What if I want a little bit of this, that, and the other?

        Also, little butts.

        • shadow1515

          Bah, Snapzu needs a mobile friendly version. I can't easily correct my autocorrect on my phone.