  • hingeattack (edited 8 years ago)

    That's something that I hadn't thought about. I admit that I have done this a couple times, and I will stop doing this, to make sure to add to the discussion. Where should the line be drawn? If it's just a basic reaction to something that doesn't necessarily contribute to discussion, I understand that, but when does it begin to contribute? What personal guidelines do you use? Is it alright to just leave it up to the digression of the users, as long as they have this in mind?

    Sorry to have another negative element of Reddit culture seep in with us.

    • kigurame

      Honestly if it's a short relevant comment that fits in the context i have no issues. This is more in response to a surge of comments in the style of "That's nice" "cool" "great idea" etc etc etc. repeated in different snaps in rapid succession which a clearly just a attempt to gain xp quickly.

    • CuppaMatt

      I use the level of "is the response worth someone stopping walking down the street, taking their phone out, unlocking it and reading it" (this is the same line I use for text messages, if it's not worth someone's while to do such a small task as stopping and reading it then it's more than likely not going to be missed if you don't post it).

      I'm sure some of my posts fall short of that from time to time but it's at least something I try and think about.

    • GreatMightyPoo

      It's not short comments themselves, it's short comment with the aim of farming xp.