
Can I just say something about the XP system?

I have been a lurker for a long time when I was on reddit. However, this XP system has made me be more active in this community. I think the system is pretty cool. In fact, this entire website is pretty cool. I am loving this website so far.

9 years ago by CrazyDragon with 34 comments

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Conversation 16 comments by 10 users
  • MadMonk

    I think the XP system is amazing, however it could definitely use some tweaks.

    • ClarkKent

      I think its a process like everything else, the XP system is definitely something that helps people going from lurkers to actually contributing which is what I like.

      • MadMonk

        Yeah, my only complaint is that it needs some number adjusting. Like requiring a lvl 15 user to claim a lvl 4 tribe is a bit much if you ask me.

        • Schwut

          I don't think it's really that bad of an idea. A level 4 tribe will have a fairly significant user base to manage, and a lvl 15 user will have a decent understanding of what needs to be done.

          • the7egend

            I agree, for a tribe that has grown that much, it needs a level 15 because it shows you not only know your way around the site but you're also active. I'm on one tribe that the chief hadn't been active in a month+ and I worry that they might not ever return and the tribe is seeing a steady increase in members. I've sent them a message but no response yet.

            • MadMonk

              See, in my case, the tribe I wanted had an inactive admin for over a year, and 200~ members. Personally, I don't feel as though 200~ members justifies requiring a lvl 15 chief, but thats just my opinion.

            • Schwut
              @MadMonk -

              Yeah I guess I see your point. I feel like I could handle managing ~200 players and I'm lvl 6.

            • jarekb84
              @MadMonk -

              Browsing through some of the comments in /t/reclaimtribe, seems that it takes a few months of inactivity for a chief to be displaced. So I see the reasoning behind someone who is more active for a longer period of time before they take over a sub. Not sure how often this could happen, but you could have a new member claim a tribe, lose interest in the site in a few days, and still be chief for months to come.

            • MadMonk
              @jarekb84 -

              That is a problem, and one that I am actively dealing with myself.

            • YourTaxGuy
              @MadMonk -

              You're talking about /t/personalfinance, aren't you?

            • MadMonk
              @YourTaxGuy -

              no, /t/piano

            • YourTaxGuy
              @MadMonk -

              Hmm... /t/piano looks like it's got 4 members and level 1. I believe you should be able to claim it if you want.

              On the other hand, /t/personalfinance had 298 members and was Level 4 last night when I tried to claim it. But it requires a Level 15 tribesperson to do so. I checked just now and it's got 345 members, which makes it Level 5, and a Level 20 tribesperson to claim it. So... it looks like it's going to be a long while before anyone claims that one, unless the rules are changed.

        • AxiosKatama

          Wait is this part of the progression to lvl 16? or just a requirement to manage that level tribe?

    • Spooky

      It's definitely making me want to be more active, unlocking customisation stuff is great

      • TheDylantula

        Definitely! Like I want a custom banner for a tribe I'm the chief of, so I really want to get to level 6 :P

    • casuallynoted

      Absolutely. I think as more features come out, they might want to move certain ones up levels so that people can access some of the more basic features easily.

  • 3rdWheel (edited 9 years ago)

    This comment has been removed

  • fanficmistress

    I've always been more of a lurker as well. At first I hated the idea of the XP but the more I thought about it I realized it's a great way to get people involved and to allow the majority of posts to be of a higher quality.

  • Quietrabbit

    XP along with the great community are the reasons I stopped lurking

  • JaggedToaster

    It has definitely encouraged me to participate more!

  • worthlessgalaxy

    I agree, the xp is causing me to join conversations when I normally wouldn't have. It is leading to more conversations.

  • HauntedCryme

    Gamification always wins ;)

    • Cheski

      It is a reason I'm not fat. Gamify everything!

      • HauntedCryme

        Congrats, and keep it up! It's a reason I'm not as fat as I was and getting thinner!

  • EazyLee

    I like the XP system too. I spent years just lurking on reddit, I think the concept of XP might cause me to actually make a post or comment every now and then

  • Channu (edited 9 years ago)

    Is it possible to open a spam tribe to push your xp?

    Edit: Unfortunately it works. Happy spamming on /t/xpspam.

    • Katherine

      Sounds bad for your reputation, though.

      • drunkenninja

        It is bad, I don't recommend joining in as reputation is a fundamental factor in all calculations and is treated as a major handicap in future XP earning.

  • BAPE

    I think the XP system will help push users to post more often but we also run into the trouble that people will begin spamming in order to "level up"

  • stuntman782

    On other sites I am usually more of lurker as well, but I am finding myself actually contributing to the conversation which is really nice. It really helps with the since of community here.