
New Tribe: t/cheapfitmeals

Hello all! I've started a new tribe focused on healthy meals on a budget. I have the general philosophy that there are plenty of ways to create healthy, cheap meals.

Everyone is welcome to join in and post, and I hope to see a lot of recipes here soon. I'll start posting mine with calories and maybe a protein count, as that is what I'm most focused on.

Anyway, have a good day!

9 years ago by FRIK with 2 comments

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  • gabe2068

    Are you interested in having any mods? I would be happy to assist as I have a love for helping people with a risk of diabetes or heart disease to get healthy.

    • FRIK (edited 9 years ago)

      Definitely! join the tribe!

      Update: I've added you on as a mod. Welcome to the tribe!