
First Day of School!

I am both excited and anxious about the new school year. When are your schools opening? And how do you feel about them?

9 years ago by UnicornCommando with 2 comments

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  • NotWearingPants

    All t he local K-12 went back Aug 3. Most of the colleges started Fall semester yesterday. I have my first in-residence class this morning, online stuff opened up yesterday.

  • Fuyu

    My University starts next Monday. Move-in is Sunday. I'm looking forward to it, mostly. Even though I'm not a fan of starting classes, I get lonely at home with only my parents and cats. I'm worried though. I've got two new housemates, and there are some things about both of them that make me question if we're going to get along. Also worried I won't get to see my cats at all because it's technically against the rules to have pets in the dorms, but every roommate has been cool with it my parents bringing the cats for visits until now but again, not sure these two are going to be very agreeable.