
Student of life who knows too much yet keeps asking questions

I'm a suburban mother, daughter, pet owner, fugitive from corporate America, organized religion and urban living, and I know how to hold my own in a den of thieves yet choose to live a healthy and authentic life.

My motto is to QUESTION EVERYTHING, my goal is to LEAVE A LEGACY and my #1 coping skill is to FIND THE HUMOR IN EVERYTHING.

Finally joined Twitter a month ago, and that's how Snapzu found me. I like the idea of exchanging information with people who actually share my interests instead of my poor, unfortunate Facebook friends and acquaintances who merely tolerate my tangents.

Random interests include conservation, world news and politics, parenting, pop culture, travel, cooking, arts and entertainment, superheroes, mutants and outsiders.

Warning: avid collector of humorous and/or insightful memes. If you've got some, bring 'em, and I'll do my best to return the favor.

10 years ago by crazy88Linda with 3 comments

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  • Splitfish

    Welcome, make yourself at home.

  • ttubravesrock

    What are you doing to leave a legacy? That's a great goal!

  • Tzvetelin

    Welcome to Snapzu, crazy88Linda! Great moto and goal! I am sure you will find a lot of interesting articles here!