  • Cheesemangeur

    When you make a snap, on the right sidebar if you scroll down, you can modules i.e "text", "link", "map", "picture gallery" etc. This means that if you submit a video, you can still add links or pictures that are related to it. It's a great way to customise.

    Not too sure where Snapzu is most active, apart from /t/lounge . /t/worldnews /t/pics /t/interesting are quite good, but people don't always comment which was mostly because we did not have a huge user base. Now things should evolve on that front and I would expect to see more comments on snaps.

    • Sammy

      Since you seem like a helpful person, can I ask where it is possible/if it is possible to view the description for a tribe? When creating a tribe there are boxes for name, description, rules/etiquette etc. but when viewing a tribe I can't see any descriptions, just the name and rules.

      • Cheesemangeur

        If you go to the main page of the tribe, you should see a sidebar on the right with the description. If you don't see any sidebar try switching to a different browser.

      • Xeno (edited 8 years ago)

        +1 Sammy... I've clicked on a few more obscure tribes and have had to Google whatever acronym they were using to find out exactly what it was.