
How do you feel about the occult?

I've dabbled into the study a bit, but I don't like most of what I find.

I dislike all of the magick (with a k!), summoning, necromancy, alchemy, tarot, horoscopes, healing, and cultivation of psychic powers on the grounds that every one of these things that I've listed are bullshit. Any person who mentions that they can or know how to do anything of this is instantly marked as lacking credibility. I fear that these types have difficulty in perceiving reality from fantasy, especially when using the Necronomicon as a reference when in fact it is a fictional grimoire written by the horror writer Lovecraft.

Now as for what I do like, I like to read about secret societies, demonology, and religious esotericism. I'm not the sort that believes in the Illuminati; instead I enjoy to read about secret societies such as the Freemasons and the Rosicrucians. Demonology is all sorts of fun to read about, I do not restrict myself to only Judeo-Christian beings, so I get to enjoy all sorts of cultural folklore. As for esotericism, I've been reading a bit about the Jewish Kabbalah, basically a religious philosophy based off of the teachings of Torah. The Kabbalah believes that the language is divine and that there exists secrets encoded in the stories of the Torah. From esotericism I've also learned about a half dozen other messianic figures, some which were also very popular during their time periods.

So I guess I prefer occult history and not practical occultism.

8 years ago by Konijn with 8 comments

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  • sugartoad

    I'm not really a believer nor a fan --- but I have nothing against those who do.

    • Konijn

      The worst that I do is just judge them as weird, but other than that I'm fine with those types of people.

  • spaceghoti

    If people want to believe or have fun with it I'm fine with that. I remain skeptical, however.

    • Konijn

      I'm all for fun or roleplay, but it irks me if someone actually believes in some of these things.

      • spaceghoti

        People can believe whatever they choose; it's not like I could stop them anyway, or would even if I could. The only problem I have is when they allow those beliefs to interfere in the lives of others. For the most part I don't see occultists doing that; they might like to talk about their favorite spells or compare familiars but they're largely harmless. If more people would like that I would be less outspoken in my skepticism.

  • plastico

    There's an old saying here in Portugal, goes something like this: "I don't believe in witches, but they do exist." Sums up my views about the occult. I'm not a believer, but strange stuff does happen.

  • Gozzin

    I think it's absurd. That being said, I don't care what people believe,as long as they don't get in my face with it.

  • Jupiter7

    Meh, I think it has 0 effect and doesn't hurt people... so go ahead.