  • Maternitus

    But that's not a real answer, of course. Wayland is fine for me, but X11 is more pured out, better distilled. Wayland is more from and for today, with mobiles, tablets and all in mind. Or, that's how I see it, to be honoust. My first question is always: does it work for me and what makes it better than what I use now? That's what I love about Linux and the open source movement in general: choices and trustworthiness. I trust open source software from a group of good dedicated programmers and an active forum with it way better than their closed source counterparts. :-)

    • WhoNeedszZz

      Wayland is definitely unpolished and too new to be mainstream. I'm just excited about something new for once in Linux land. X11 has worked for a long time, but it has gotten behind with modern configurations. Graphics drivers, for one, have been a pita on X11 the whole time.