
What Distro do you use primarily, and why?

Well since there is a slew of news posts which are mostly useless to me, I figured I would start a discussion.

I use Ubuntu 14.04 server - primarily as an easy to use application server as a VM (Easy setup, LVM, debian based package manager, large amount of documentation). The applications I run on it are nodejs, apache, mysql, and some rsync for some backups for a friend, with SMTP relay. Additionally I have a separate VM for automating a browser using python, which I am hosting for someone else.

I have no preference for desktop, although I would probably end up giving Mint a spin if I ever had such need. (Don't really like Gnome 3, and Unity is a heaping pile of garbage)

So, what distro do you use, and why?

8 years ago by JTtheGhost with 5 comments

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  • microfracture

    I use Arch Linux as my primary distribution. I like the keep it simple principles behind it and the fact that it is rolling release.

    Debian is my secondary distribution which I run on my servers as well as miscellaneous hardware (netbook, etc) and I generally use the Testing or Sid branch with it. Debian is a very respectable distro and I urge everyone to read the Social Contract they operate by if you have not already.

  • Jefiakra

    Debian. Debian is boring, but boring is good, because it's stable.

  • kxh

    I use ubuntu for bare metal desktop installations because it's so easy to install especially if you want to use media graphics. I prefer debian for simple servers but ubuntu is so much simpler.

    I am moving towards using vmware for a base host install and installing a virtual system on top instead of bare metal installs.

  • archmagician

    I run Linux Mint Debian Edition 2 at the moment. I usually switch around quite regularly to try new things but my 8 year old daughter has begun increasingly using this laptop so I've left it alone for a while. It's a simple install, things work and she can find what she needs. My other daughter (9) uses a netbook running Kubuntu.

    I try other distros using Virtualbox which currently has Debian Jessie, Suse, Solus, Antergos and Chromixium. I'll probably switch to Solus or Chromixium when I next do a full install.

  • sepsinn

    I run Antergos/Arch on my desktop. I like the rolling release and the challenge of fixing what 'may' break. Tho, I have not had any problems from updates, I like to break my system by trying things that may not work. So far, it has been an awesome learning experience.