  • joker

    Confirmed. You can create a text post, then share the link to the post as a snap. Did that for you:

    • Wenjarich

      Thanks, it seems the general suggestion I have received is to post one text post then snap that post to the following tribes..

      /t/programming; /t/python; /t/programminghelp; /t/codelearners; /t/learnpython; /t/learnprogramming;

      I must say, with the ability to link multiple tribes to a post, it seems to be blurring the individual purposes of each tribe, which seems to be having the side result of the users spreading over lots of small similar based tribes rather than one tribe for a fixed purpose. In other words, the answer to my question wasn't this is the particular tribe to post to but rather, post to all the python/programming learning tribes. :P

      • joker

        Lol. That suggestion was mine :D