
Ezreal and Competitive Play

With the semi-broken smite Ezreal being picked up in LCS, why have no teams banned him? They continue to ban bruisers instead of just taking him out of play. His effectiveness mid and late game is down right silly after he gets Runeglaive and Luden's Echo.

8 years ago by Dax10500 with 4 comments

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  • DesiDrifter395

    The TSM-TDK game was a display on how to perfectly use ezreal, Maintain vision at all times, use your ult from fog of war to hit as many targets as possible and maximize damage, not helped by the fact that TDK built practically no MR. Yes viktor can burst an Ez down, but he has to get close enough to do so, and that was damn near impossible.

    Meanwhile, TSM-GV was a display on how to perfectly shut down ezreal. Because of long ramp up times, you use that time to build MR, so that early ez does even less damage. Then you deny him farm and gold, and he becomes useless.

    CLG-TIP yesterday was just typical latter season CLG throwing the game. XWX was a pretty terrible ezreal, but not even doublelift;'s insane jinx could save CLG.

    Ez was banned a few times, but I think the teams that didnt ban or pick him were under the assumption that they could try to pressure very early before Ezreal ramped up, but that almost never ended up happening, except for gravity.

    • Dax10500

      Thanks for the reply. My roommate and I posted this right after the first game where EZ carried the game. However, we didn't want to post any spoilers and were at awe when he was shut down by Sivir and J4.

      • DesiDrifter395

        Shit, I didn't even think about spoilers -.-

        That's my bad. Sivir makes sense against ezreal with spellshield, but when they picked up J4, the first thing I thought was "What the FUCK are they thinking, he'll just arcane shift out!!" But he waited for the arcane shift, and then engaged on him which was amazing. Zirene said it best, that was textbook league of legends.

    • Jtub

      To go along with your comments, I believe it was MonteCristo that was talking about why Runeglaive Ezreal isn't being seen as much in other regions, mainly LCK/LPL.

      The reasons he gave for it not being utilized in LCK/LPL is because those regions, being on a higher level than NA/EU know how to properly apply pressure early game to shut down a pick like the runeglaive Ezreal.

      Where as in NA/EU they tend to play a slower paced game, allowing the Ezreal to scale to the late game monster that he is.