+15 +1
The Deactivation of the American Worker
From factories to cubicles to open offices to Slack channels. By Carter Maness.
+39 +1
340 Brazilian Companies Fined for Modern Slave Labor Conditions
Pro-labor groups in Brazil released the annual list of companies fined by the government for keeping employees in slave-like conditions. The Brazilian Institute to Eradicate Slave Labor (InPACTO) released on Friday an updated list of 340 Brazilian companies fined by the Ministry of Labor for keeping employees in slave-like conditions, during the two year period from 2013-2015. Through the Access to Information Act, Reporter Brasil and...
+21 +1
Our Forgotten Labor Revolution
After the Civil War, workers struggled to make wage labor go the way of chattel slavery.
+19 +1
The First Line of Defense
During the Cold War, they guarded America’s nuclear weapons facilities. Now they are dying of cancer, as the U.S. government looks the other way. By Jim Morris and Jamie Smith Hopkins.
+30 +1
Outsourced: Casualties of Cola
How South Africa's beverages industry changed the labour game. By Richard Poplak, Diana Neille, Sumeya Gasa and Shaun Swingler.
+27 +1
On the Road to Nowhere
Uber drivers are getting creative in their fight for basic workplace rights. By Steven Greenhouse.
+14 +1
Blues on Wheels
A writer becomes a carrier for the United States Postal Service out of a long-held love for the mail. What she discovers are screams, threats, lies, labor violations, and dog attacks. By Jess Stoner.
+19 +1
With “Convoy,” tech billionaires build another castle at another narrow in the stream
Founders of Amazon, eBay and Uber join forces to "disrupt" the trucking industry. with the goal of doing to the trucking industry what Uber has done for taxis. Here's what that means. By Mark Ames.
+22 +1
Homejoy at the Unicorn Glue Factory
Will the home-cleaning revolution be Uberfied? One company tried, and spectacularly bombed. By Christina Farr.
+17 +1
Top Ten Labor Day Songs
In honor of Labor Day, here’s a stab at the impossible task of naming the best songs ever written about working people. By Peter Rothberg.
+25 +1
Stop Stealing From Strippers
In every strip club I’ve worked in, it’s the same: We’re exploited. By Antonia Crane.
+10 +1
Why It's Impossible To Shop Ethically
"We are not going to shop ourselves into a better world"
+13 +1
Why Do We Have Labor Protection?
Modern labor protection, and social insurance for that matter, is the provenance of organized working class movements. The goal of these movements was to increase the share of income going to working class people and to enhance their well-being and security more generally. It was not just about balancing some power relationship between the worker and the boss. It was about securing for working class people a certain kind of life.
+16 +1
A lethal nostalgia
Steel mills, coal mines and blast furnaces have killed and poisoned thousands of Americans – so why feel nostalgia at their passing?
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