
Please read, In the world of Journalistics what makes an article interesting??

I am new here so wanted to ask from Journalists, how do you create your work and make it gain attention? I mean there has to be a process to follow or just plainly some pointers to remember in which you do this. The reason I am posting this here, is mainly because of a project I'm working on that requires a means to get Net browsers visiting a website making it active and grow.

If anyone is up to answering this post, please give a few ideas.

8 years ago by ShadeofNoon with 3 comments

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  • 66bnats

    Gotta work your way up. It takes years to build a name, and that's only if you write well and often.

  • canuck

    I know that user /u/sjvn writes for a ZDnet which is quite popular. He might be able to give you a good answer to this question.

    • ShadeofNoon

      This is a little late but really helpful, Although we are depicted as workaholics or having very odd contacts (info broker) if you know what I mean.