As a new poster, I'd really like to know what I'm doing wrong when down voted.
On reddit, I do admit voting down a few comments that I just didn't agree with (I'm trying hard not to do that here). Having to give a reason, would stop me, or someone like me, from mindlessly voting down.
Try this: if you're in a comment thread with someone, upvote them for keeping up the conversation. That way, if they let you down or lose your interest, you can simply not give them their upvote. Save the downvote for especially galling, hopefully rare moments.
I really do see this as a plus.
As a new poster, I'd really like to know what I'm doing wrong when down voted.
On reddit, I do admit voting down a few comments that I just didn't agree with (I'm trying hard not to do that here). Having to give a reason, would stop me, or someone like me, from mindlessly voting down.
Try this: if you're in a comment thread with someone, upvote them for keeping up the conversation. That way, if they let you down or lose your interest, you can simply not give them their upvote. Save the downvote for especially galling, hopefully rare moments.