  • Crator

    This is from the FAQ

    Can I ever lose my referrals? Your referrals stay tied to your account for the life of both your account and that of the referral. If a referred user deletes their profile, they will no longer appear in your referrals list. You can only lose your referrals if your referral status is terminated for violating the terms of service agreement of the referral program.

    What happens if I renounce my tribe or quit being a moderator of a tribe that I've earned referrals from? If you cease being a chief/moderator of a tribe, your referrals will stay and will still earn you money, however you will lose access to that tribe's referral program and it's promo tools. If that happens, you can't refer any more users to that tribe.

    So the refferals stay linked to one account. While a tribe probably wouldn't be to sellable, an account could be potentially. I'm sure it's the agreement that you can't. But how can they really know if it was?

    • double2 (edited 9 years ago)

      Link referrals (well, affiliate accounts) to bank accounts. Done.

      Edit: clarification...was a bit kneejerky ;)