  • Burt

    Yes, please! Even with f.lux white is too bright. I work on a computer all day every day, and when it starts getting late, I despise working/using sites that have bright white backgrounds. Its wonderful to have an option like Reddit Enhancement Suite, that has options for a dark theme.

    Not to mention, having a dark theme is great for night time browsing. I personally enjoy reading before I go to bed, and having a BRIGHT WHITE image on my phone in a pitch black room is absolutely blinding. A black/grey theme completely fixes this issue.

    White is just so bright and blinding. It looks nice, but for users who will use this site often, for hours on end, the white eventually becomes blinding and difficult to look at.

    • ttk

      I totally agree with you! Maybe I can try something with custom CSS, but it might take a while.