Text Post: Bots posted by redalastor
  • DunkEgg

    Most bots are obviously bots, we are talking about xkcd transcribers and the like.

    To you. The problem comes for snapzu to become sentient and differentiate them.

    I would think that internally they would be considered users linked to an owner account.

    Then they use the same interface as users. You are sugesting making special accounts for bots. Then you are suggesting that a Real Account has bots accounts. All of this is more code, more complexity, more procesing time.

    Easily solved by bots using the already Users Interface, and leveling up to prove they are worthy.

    • redalastor

      To you. The problem comes for snapzu to become sentient and differentiate them.

      To admins and moderators.

    • DunkEgg
      @redalastor -

      So the spam filter would be Humans? That may be too much on them. An algorithm may reduce work.