
NSFW tag in feed list

I just clicked on a new post in my Following Feed to find that it was quite NSFW. The snap itself was correctly tagged as NSFW, but there was no NSFW tag in my feed. Yes, if I had looked more closely at the tribes it was posted in, I could have easily figured out that it was going to be NSFW, but I would think that snap listings in the feeds should also be clearly marked as NSFW.

9 years ago by caelreth with 6 comments

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  • drunkenninja

    This is clearly an oversight. It will be fixed as soon as possible. Our apologies.

    • caelreth

      No problem - just thought I should mention it :)

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  • double2

    Also, if there is a NSFW/L link and you click comments, you STILL get the image! Sometimes I'd like to gauge quite how NSFW/L the content is without opening it.