  • Teska (edited 9 years ago)

    I saw the thumbnail you mention as well and it was well and truly unmistakable for anything other than a bloody fetus. I went to the site to read the article, fully expecting the thumbnail image to be in there ... but it wasn't. No where on that page was a picture that matched (or even was bloody) the thumbnail image. Which struck me as the user who created the snap chose that particular image, and in choosing that image, most likely knew full well the reaction that image would get. And if that is the case, I doubt anyone putting something like that up for shock value would care to put a NSFW tag on it as that would not get the "pearl clutching" reaction they seem to want.

    And I say the above not as a wide generalization for every person posting with a thumbnail with a gory image, but just for this particular one. I also concede that I don't know that users true intentions, but am giving my opinion.

    • Fuyu

      It was definitely intended as a shock image. I'm pretty sure it wasn't even real as I know most of those anti-abortion images are spoofed in some way.

      However, I think making stuff like that against the rules will give us a better way to handle it as then it'll give a legitimate reason to downvote or report, and will maybe keep people from posting gore that wasn't intended for the shock value (such as a news post about the violence in country that would have lots of bloody images and naturally the poster might consider putting one of those images in the thumbnail).